Friday, February 3, 2017


​Vietnamese tell me they're not me. I'm American. However, the difference between us is like the difference between drug addicts and drug avoiders.
Some people may FEEL that smokers cannot stop and that smokers are not bad. The LEFT is indoctrinating people globally and we make excuses, justifications, for the smokers regardless of whether we smoke or not. We may say that non-smokers cannot understand, relate, sympathize, empathize, with SMOKERS.
However, former smokers may see it differently. They may see the differences in a different way. The difference is simply in the habits we have which comes from what we think and believe.
Likewise, differences between different people globally, internationally, culturally, religiously, and everything else, is BASICALLY LIKE THAT TOO and Vietnamese in Vietnam are in a different culture, and they have different habits to some extent, and their habits comes from their thinking and beliefs.
Vietnamese, like drug addicts, may feel that they cannot stop being who and what they are in doing everything they do, but I see things differently because I have changed my way of thinking, what I believe, my habits, and many things in my life, and I feel and think and believe and I know people can change and that the differences are not merely or only or simply FATAL from FATE as in unchangeable as in DOUBLE PREDESTINED BUT IN A BAD CALVINISM WAY and that things do get better.
Vietnamese will say they cannot help themselves. They can be fatalistic. Globally, the left is making humans this way. However, I have matured and changed in my life. Some of us know that there is hope for individuals through INDIVIDUALISM OVER COLLECTIVISM and we are educating people globally and you can join us in making videos and photos and books and comments and in sharing and in doing things offline and online and more and that is if you are not already doing it.
Vietnamese like to talk about the differences between Vietnamese and Americans, but that is sometimes a disclaimer or excuse to justify bad decisions made by Vietnamese or even made by Americans. It is a two way street and we all make mistakes and learn from each other and stuff. There is always hope and opportunity out there for people.
2017-02-04 SATURDAY 10 AM PURIO Q1 HCM

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