Tuesday, September 5, 2017

2017-09-05 DACA 02








Matthew Alan Barreto to President Donald J Trump

Matthew Alan Barreto
Matthew Alan Barreto No problem my dear friend!
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Matthew Alan Barreto gov programs cost taxes.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Matthew Alan Barreto how much do we all have to pay for DACA? I do not want to be required to pay too much for too many things and welfare and stuff for other people too often.......
Char Krust
Char Krust OK let me explain DACA to you with a simple analogy Someone steals a car and crashes it on your property. A few months later the police come and tow the car away but leave the tires bumpers and the rear end. Those are the DACA parts. They don't belong on your property and wound up there due to someone else's criminal act. Now take money out of your pocket to make the pieces into sculpture and planters? No it was the responsibility of the government to protect you and your property from lawlessness.

· Reply ·
· 7 hrs
Matthew Alan Barreto
Matthew Alan Barreto Feel free to punch me in the face after this reply, but what you just said to me was pure bigotry! Comparing people with car parts? That's worse than treating people as animals! For that, I wonder how your feelings were hurt if I called you Charcoal, since your first name is Char, the prefix for Charcoal, or Krusty Krab, since your last name is Krust! My last words: to me, what's worse than an insulting mouth is someone who is OFF TOPIC! You're talking about DACA, while I'm talking about who I should hire in my makeup job!!!!

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· 6 hrs · Edited
Char Krust
Char Krust I wasn't off topic at all. You made up an incredibly biased candidate situation. Why you couldn't find a documented individual with education and experience is the real question. Perhaps the resources weren't available for the citizen because they were...See More

· Reply ·
· 6 hrs
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Char Krust, Matt called your analogy an insult. Matt said he wasn't LEFT but probably has nothing LEFT in his brain. I liked your car analogy. I don't get offended by illustrations, parables, allegories, and so on. Matt said he was like upset and hurt. People call me oatmeal. People could call me chocolate or charcoal which can be great for trains. I don't want to be required to pay too much money, taxes, to pay for the welfare of others and so on. Matt seems to believe the USA has to help whoever is on our land regardless of how they may get into our country or whatever. I get my news from Drudge Report Dot Com and News Wars Dot Com.
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Tracy A Giffin Sr
Tracy A Giffin Sr Even if his parents committed the crime of being in the USA illegally, if the person has gone to the length to get a formal education, they they should also go thru the formality of becoming a citizen.

· Reply ·
· 7 hrs
Matthew Alan Barreto
Matthew Alan Barreto Yes, and at this moment, that's only possible through DACA for them illegals! The bigoted way would be to go live at country they don't know of for years and come back by the time they've lost every opportunity! Only legal immigrants can do that written test in order to become an official U.S. citizen, just like my mother went through.
Roger Menchaca Jr.
Roger Menchaca Jr. I guess this guy doesn't deserve justice

· Reply ·
· 6 hrs
Jana AndRandy Cox
Jana AndRandy Cox The first is an illegal alien does not matter that his parents brought him he is still illegal....he needs to be sent back to his home country ... what do you think would happen it your parents ..for example... took you to Mexico ILLEGALLY ... your parents and most likely you would be thrown into a Mexican jail ... maybe all you people need to get you a dictionary and look up the definition of ILLEGAL !!!.... why are y'all so hell bent on keeping these illegals in our country ... come into our country the legal way or suffer the consequences 😡😡😡

· Reply ·
· 6 hrs
Matthew Alan Barreto
Matthew Alan Barreto As an American, either accept diversity or be labelled bigot and racist!
Roger Menchaca Jr.
Roger Menchaca Jr. I guess involuntary manslaughter is not illegal

· Reply ·
· 6 hrs
Jill Perez
Jill Perez Neither, find someone else!

· Reply ·
· 6 hrs
Jacqueline Sanson
Jacqueline Sanson If those are your only two choices maybe you should look at why that is... this post is ridiculous and it's purpose is to do nothing but fuel hatred.. I wouldn't work for anyone like you

· Reply ·
· 6 hrs
Matthew Alan Barreto
Matthew Alan Barreto I'll tell you what's hatred. Complaining too much!
Roger Menchaca Jr.
Roger Menchaca Jr. Sorry Jacqueline, but this is hatred

· Reply ·
· 6 hrs
Jacqueline Sanson
Jacqueline Sanson That's your only answers? Complaining too much and a stupid meme??
You posed an either/or question. Unfortunately for you, I have what's commonly called critical thinking, which allows thought of other options. But your options are no options, both have committed crimes. So your question is without actual thought, it was posed apparently so you could answer with 'complaining' and asinine memes. Grow up and along the way learn to use your brain for yourself, you've been indoctrinated young person.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Jacqueline Sanson agreed
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Laura Taylor
Tim McCue
Tim McCue You look for more applicants.

· Reply ·
· 6 hrs
Matthew Alan Barreto
Matthew Alan Barreto How can I? Employers often work beyond 40 hours a week! They ain't got time to stroll around a big city!
Tim McCue
Tim McCue One is a criminal. The other has a criminal history. Look for another applicant.

· Reply ·
· 5 hrs
Matthew Alan Barreto
Matthew Alan Barreto At what? The applicants? I know them 100%! Now leave me alone.
Kenneth Lamar Wiggins Sr.
Kenneth Lamar Wiggins Sr. This is a BULLSHXX POST! Any real
Employer in the USA would not hire either! This is just a troll posting that should not be on this site!!!

· Reply ·
· 5 hrs
Matthew Alan Barreto
Matthew Alan Barreto I see that you've been retired from the Air Force. Still panic! Your friends who are still active on active duty will been be blown to pieces by the North Korean Missile soon! It's going to happen, and there's nothing you can do to save their lives!!
Kenneth Lamar Wiggins Sr.
Kenneth Lamar Wiggins Sr. Matthew Alan Barreto that's the kind of lame horse manure response that is to be expected from a front door asset protector B.J.'s Wholesale club. 🙄

· Reply ·
· 5 hrs
Matthew Alan Barreto
Matthew Alan Barreto This is what bigotry is all about! Calling a post maker a troll merely because he wants to get some opinion on a random post!
Kenneth Lamar Wiggins Sr.
Kenneth Lamar Wiggins Sr. Your purpose is to get on a site that you can harassing anyone with an opinion other than your own! I am requesting that the site admin bars you!

· Reply ·
· 5 hrs
Matthew Alan Barreto
Matthew Alan Barreto Harass? My initial post was to seek various opinions from you folks, and if possible, do something so that both parties can come up with a mutual agreement! Fighting every year isn't the answer for long-term solutions in the years to come. By the way, calling a troll for this entire post was also harassing, so that's why I made an angry reply to your comment, and the fact that you're the first one to have an angry reaction to my post! I'm not calling you a racist or a bigot, but you calling me a troll? This name calling has got to stop, and a mutual agreement to world peace is what we actually need!
Terri Marino
Gilbert Chung
Gilbert Chung Neither one. Just let the position go unfilled.

· Reply ·
· 5 hrs
Roger Reck
Roger Reck Thank you for this post... I appreciate the education from respondents
Matthew Alan Barreto
Matthew Alan Barreto Most complained as a result.
Roger Reck
Roger Reck Matthew Alan Barreto Indeed... I learned from the complaints as well
Pete Parker
Pete Parker Legally....at the moment woulf have to be number 2
Matthew Alan Barreto
Jefferson Neo
Jefferson Neo A perfect example of committing the Either/Or fallacy in logic. It assumes limited options and then further assumes one of those options is correct. And given that the scenario is contrived (not real) to begin with, the entire question becomes a futile exercise in peddling PC vanity. Only American citizens have the natural (inherent right) to reside here. The consequences of a child brought here illegally falls on the parameter of the parents. As they are deported their child is to accompany them.

· Reply ·
· 5 hrs · Edited
Matthew Alan Barreto
Matthew Alan Barreto Confused, but alright. :/
Jefferson Neo
Jefferson Neo Matthew,

Either/Or thinking often involves a fallacy in logic. Fallacy means error in thinking or judgment. ...See More
Ronald Bryant
Ronald Bryant I would keep taking applications until you fill it with the correct one, if not you do the position until it is filled but just having two applicants you can't be that desperate keep looking

· Reply ·
· 5 hrs
Ronald Bryant
Ronald Bryant And plus it says nothing about no time keep looking

· Reply ·
· 5 hrs
Matthew Alan Barreto
Matthew Alan Barreto " And plus it says nothing about no time keep looking!" Oh how some people are...real complainers!!!!
Ronald Bryant
Ronald Bryant Then you have a lousy business knowledge it doesn't have anything to do with complaining, run the business right or don't run it all

· Reply ·
· 5 hrs
John A Stukins II
John A Stukins II The Blacks in this Country are as WORTHLESS as they come, they have had a HAND OUT since The Civil War and ENOUGH is ENOUGH!

If a Black person shows up at MY DOOR Demanding a Hand out I will feed him to My DOBERMANS!


· Reply ·
· 5 hrs
John Dibert
John Dibert Who the hell said anything about african americans you bigot
John A Stukins II
John A Stukins II Hey asshole look at the fuckin picture associated with the post, FUCK OFF, Im NOT a BIGGOT, but the TRUTH ANOUT THEM HURTS!

John A Stukins II
John A Stukins II They best BACK OFF this TEXAN!
David Larson
David Larson I wouldnt hire either of them.

· Reply ·
· 4 hrs
Yvonne Rene'e Long
Yvonne Rene'e Long OMG... of course you don't hire either because neither are the right fit. But as I'm reading I think ok the person who posted is young and never been in senior management to know but then instead of just reading the opinions 'he has asked for' he starts commenting on the opinions. No big deal but he can't not be adult and respect that people have a right to an opinion rather he likes it or not. And when he talks like the " complainers" as he calls those who give a solid common sense answer.... OMG. Matthew you need to spend time in the real world and the sooner you see it's not black and white the better. If the job is worth doing right you WILL find the right person you just have to look.

· Reply ·
· 4 hrs
Charlie Goviano Caggiano
Charlie Goviano Caggiano Go fuck your self !!!! I don't feel sorry for any undocumented or illegal immigrants and try to make me !!!! You are pathetic !!!

· Reply ·
· 4 hrs
Mary Anne Maloney Rutherford
Mary Anne Maloney Rutherford Keep looking . Why would you hire an 'illegal.'... and why would you accept the wrong person for the job?

· Reply ·
· 3 hrs
Patricia Ann
Patricia Ann Keep looking. #1 was educated bc free educational benefits exist for them, but not for American whites. My family struggled with watching others get free educations while our poor white family struggled.

· Reply ·
· 3 hrs
DiNo DiNardo
DiNo DiNardo Yea and maybe if that illegal wouldn't have been here maybe those benefits he got could've been accessed by the other man whose country it is and maybe his life would be diff.. I'm only saying maybe , but if we were using our resources to benefit our c...See More
Darlene DePrimo
Darlene DePrimo Lucky guy got a free education not our kids, I'm sure since he has a degree when he gets back to where ever he came from he will find a great job.

· Reply ·
· 3 hrs
Mike Gugs
Mike Gugs Fake News
Loren Graham
Loren Graham You obviously have never hired anyone. If you had, you'd be bright enough to know when you use the term Illegal Alien to describe an applicant you are breaking the law by hiring them. Its why in their immigration status its says Illegal... that's what that means... illegal..against the law. I mean using the same argument a guy with a PHD and vast experience walks in and he's under indictment for say burglary, which is about the same thing.. you'd hire THAT candidate?
Sunny Flaig
Sunny Flaig Neither , one is in the country illegally and you will be committing a crime also if you chose them the other is obviously a criminal.you have to keep looking

· Reply ·
· 2 hrs · Edited
DiNo DiNardo
DiNo DiNardo Started reading the comments.. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees what the question asker is apparently not smart enough to see on his own.. That they are both criminals... Lol
Bill Carfagno
Bill Carfagno I wouldn't hire a criminal who came here illegally. Find a qualified legal citizen. You sound concerned for some illegal family members.
Deb Barnhart
Deb Barnhart For sure the 1st is the better choice but if he was that smart why did he not become legal by this point in his life if he would have you wouldn't even be asking this question

· Reply ·
· 2 hrs
Jill Powers
Jill Powers If you only have two applicants, you haven't expanded the search enough to really look at the backgrounds of candidates. The fact that you would hire a criminal makes you a criminal, too.

· Reply ·
· 2 hrs
John A Stukins II
John A Stukins II Amen to that sister!
DiNo DiNardo
DiNo DiNardo I'd hire the white guy because the other shouldn't be here so I'm going to assume that there would be. Diff applicant to pick from cuz the other person wouldn't be an option cuz they're not supposed to be here...

· Reply ·
· 2 hrs
HeatherLee Ibarra
HeatherLee Ibarra You are an idiot. It is illegal to hire the illegal, period. What's the name of your company? I'll find you a qualified legal worker.

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· 2 hrs · Edited
DiNo DiNardo
DiNo DiNardo Why is mexico the only country that it's OK to come from without a passport and a visa to live here? Any other country you have to have a visa to go to or come from.. So what allows them to and what allows it to be OK but no where else can... Even Canada now I'm pretty sure.. So the question is irrelevant

· Reply ·
· 2 hrs
DiNo DiNardo
DiNo DiNardo And if you want to get technical.they are both criminals because one is an illegal alien and the other did the afore mentioned charges... Lol

· Reply ·
· 2 hrs
Ronda Brockway
Ronda Brockway Sounds like a made up story.
Al ONeill
Al ONeill Keep looking

· Reply ·
· 2 hrs
John A Stukins II
John A Stukins II That thought crossed my mind. This could be Fake News posted to piss everyone off, well that sure as hell happened!



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