Matthew Alan Barreto to President Donald J Trump
Jim Scamman In
the era of moral relativism, it's ok to break the law if you don't mind
the penalty if you get caught. It's not up to us to determine the
morality of your choice. Grow up and do what you think is right.
Personally, I wouldn't hire either one, but in Merika we only get two
choices usually, either D or R, and when both suck, it's a problem, GOD
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DiNo DiNardo Yea
and maybe if that illegal wouldn't have been here maybe those benefits
he got could've been accessed by the other man whose country it is and
maybe his life would be diff.. I'm only saying maybe , but if we were
using our resources to benefit our c...See More
Jim Scamman Maybe his life would have been different if his parents make him go to Sunday School.
Salina Amey This
is a false dichotomy. Hire one of our returned servicemen. The world
is not a black-and-white place with only two individuals vying for every
job. Stop your ridiculous analogies.
Jim Scamman Demorats ALWAYS make the exception the norm. They are morally bankrupt which is why Free Speech is under attack from them.
DiNo DiNardo Exactly..
Like I said not only was it a dumb question but he made it immediately
racist because he said white guy instead of american.. Anything to try
to spin things so their sheeple will swallow the koolaid.. Ridiculous...
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DiNo DiNardo It was just a question the guy was curious about but he didn't see all the probs with the parameters of the question... Lol
Jim Scamman Guys and Dolls was a morality play where a bad guy goes straight for the love of a woman.
Carol Cain How
did the first applicant get a bachelors degree so soon? He /she must
be an absolute genius. He/she needs to go back to their own country and
build it up. How stupid do you think we all are?
Barbara Jean Smith Those
who say neither never have owned a prosperious business, and have no
clue what it's like hiring new help. I reserve my answer.
Dave Adams As applicant #1 has done NOTHING to apply for US citizenship, their application should be immediately filed in the trash can...
Vince Mcatee Dave
immigration God need to be changed and updated. Under current US law
the only way a dreamer can get any further paperwork is to marry a
American citizen.

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Cyn J Bagsic If
applicant is a law abiding citizen but is illegal he/she should follow
the law to become a good citizen before you hire him/her and as an
employer...you should follow the law also to not tolerate illegals to
work in your company!
Jack Michaels Sounds like nothing but a hypothetical question to me.
Frank Hammond With liberals, the needs of the few out weigh the needs of the many.
John Batte The
DACA shoulda applied for citizenship or legal work permit, if he has
permit and you want lose him at end of said permit then fine. If not
he's illegal don't hire him.
Frank Hammond And obviously, anyone who hires that rapist/thug is not thinking about the safety of his employees or his customers.
Frank Hammond It's a no win situation.
Lynne Richardson with so many people out there looking for jobs... how come you only have 2 dead beats wanting to work for you?

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Joey Arnold Hire nobody. Or ask a better question.
I do not want to be forced to pay too much money, too many taxes, to fund too many welfare programs and other governmental programs and things to help maybe too many people or maybe the wrong people while too much gov funds are kept from veterans and the disabled and the orphans and the widows and elderly and other Americans that are in fact Americans. Employers may or may not choose or not choose whoever they may or may not want or not want to hire or not hire and that can be maybe fair or maybe not fair and yet that is not what we should be asking and that is not what we should be talking about.
This fake hypothetical question is like asking if you would rather eat dirty garlic or a brand new donut that is so beautiful. You may think the garlic or the American is so dirty but at least the garlic is real and healthy. What happened to not judging people? We make mistakes. Forgive them. Give them a second chance. The illegal immigrant is breaking the law. If the illegal immigrant is a citizen now, then no problem.
I do not want to be forced to pay too much money, too many taxes, to fund too many welfare programs and other governmental programs and things to help maybe too many people or maybe the wrong people while too much gov funds are kept from veterans and the disabled and the orphans and the widows and elderly and other Americans that are in fact Americans. Employers may or may not choose or not choose whoever they may or may not want or not want to hire or not hire and that can be maybe fair or maybe not fair and yet that is not what we should be asking and that is not what we should be talking about.
This fake hypothetical question is like asking if you would rather eat dirty garlic or a brand new donut that is so beautiful. You may think the garlic or the American is so dirty but at least the garlic is real and healthy. What happened to not judging people? We make mistakes. Forgive them. Give them a second chance. The illegal immigrant is breaking the law. If the illegal immigrant is a citizen now, then no problem.
Thomas Mcgovern The DOCUMENTED LEGAL REAL AMERICAN, of course.
Judy Summers Seek more applications. Neither is desirable.
Gary Yeakle Hire
the best applicant within the bounds of the law. I won't break the law
and if you are asking this question then you are a criminal minded
person. Sad
Debbie Taylor Dukes Neither one keep looking
Janice Becker Neither one!!
Scott Govoni Neither
Vickie Shelton You need to follow the law! Don't risk your business license hiring an undocumented workers. Keep looking.
Joan Penny I understand which is the best BUT the law is the law and you yourself need to follow for your own honesty.
Anthony Cox I think you have them reversed.
Linda Lewis You
college educated applicant is over qualified for the tasks you outlined
so obviously did not learn one thing. Second applicant, bad choice,
not to be considered. A smart businessman would be seeking other
applicants for consideration.
George Myers Your dumb as all get ot!
Judith Moore Neither one,go looking some more!
Joni Mullock This is America. We should take care of our own first.....
Brock Ognibene This
is a fantasy false comparison. Are you saying you could only find that
one LEGAL applicant? You may want to fire your recruiter, or if you're a
small business re-evaluate where you're looking.
Really this is just a bogus comparison given the low expectations. There should be tons of legal applicants that meet those criteria. What a crock...
Really this is just a bogus comparison given the low expectations. There should be tons of legal applicants that meet those criteria. What a crock...
Kelly Barnes Neither. Keep interviewing
Freddie Wunsch actually, applicant number one is also a criminal they are here illegally plain an simple